Return Policy


Because every shirt we sell is made to order, we don't offer returns/exchanges (we don't have a warehouse with inventory for exchanges). So, before you order, make sure you have the right product, size, and color selected. Every product has a “WHAT’S MY SIZE?” guide in the product description. Any other sizing questions use our CONTACT US and we'll do our best to find the absolute BEST fit. If you have a size issue but never contacted us, we can't offer a return/refund.

We WILL offer returns/exchanges when we mess up. Shirt doesn't match the size chart? Print is bad? Cigarette burns on the shirt? Dead mouse in the package? Receive a shirt that says Holt or Dewitt on it?  

Make a mistake on your order? Contact us within 24 hours. We get started on orders quick so you can enjoy your merch quicker. While we can't guarantee we will be able to catch your order in time to make the change, we will try our best. The best place to get a quick reply is use our CONTACT US form.

🚨 We need to hear about any product issues within 30 days. If you placed your order over 30 days ago and are just now telling us about an issue, you are most likely S-O-L, but still hit us up and we’ll do our best to fix things if we can.  


We've shipped quite a few shirts by now. If your package gets returned to us (typically by USPS), the reason falls under 1 of 3 scenarios.

1. YOU. 80% of the time the error is on the person who typed in the wrong shipping address (ouch, sorry but it’s true). Most often it is a forgotten unit number, incorrect zip code, or a recent change of address. The hope with any of these scenarios is that USPS will RTS (Return To Sender) the package so we can give you an opportunity to pay the additional fee for USPS to send it back out to you (FYI we don't make any money on reshipping fees). 

2. UPS. 15% of the time USPS is to blame (this one sucks and is out of both our control, but sometimes they just shit the bed and we gotta deal with it). We will work with you most of the time to find a solution. 

3. US. 5% of the time we suck - nobody is perfect! We will always pay for the package to be re-shipped to you if we dropped the ball. 

So, you see statistically the fault overwhelmingly lands in the hands of the person that typed in the shipping address on the order. The worst scenario is that your package is delivered to an address you no longer, or ever, lived at. In that scenario, we hope that the person who ended up getting the shirt loves it. If this happens get in touch with us, and we can figure out how to get you a new one. The moral of the story is to make sure you measure twice and fill in the right damn info so you get that friggin awesome shirt you ordered!  

Apple is notorious for allowing you to make a purchase without realizing it. About once every few months, someone will say "I never meant to order this, refund me" with their I ❤️ Grand Ledge shirt order sitting on their front porch. As you know, we can't simply return that order and stock it on our nonexistent imaginary warehouse shelves. Thus, be VERY careful using Apple Pay. It's been known to use whatever address you have stored on your Apple account, which might be your ex's address - giving them one more reason to hate you and Grand Ledge. Just double and triple check the shipping address and save us all a ton of grief.  


If you are still using Hotmail, be aware that Mr. Gates likes to mark our confirmation emails as "Junk." So, check your Junk/Spam folder if you still use this dinosaur email and haven't heard from us. BTW, you DO realize Hotmail was discontinued in 2013 right? That was back when we were watching Vines, the Harlem Shuffle was a thing and we gave a f#*! What the Fox said! So please, please, please, do us all a favor and get a gmail account like the rest of society.

YOU'VE BEEN WARNED GL FRIENDS! We don’t cover refunds from unexpected Apple Pay purchases or if your Hotmail account is playing hide the salami with our confirmation emails.